Oral presentations

18 October 2024

With regard to the abstract corresponding to the oral communication, we would like to inform you that you must enter the information relating to this before November 24 using the form provided. Once this date has expired, a scientific committee will evaluate and select all the papers, based on their quality and diversity. The result will be communicated as of January 12. All those whose work is not selected for oral communication will be automatically moved to the poster presentation category.

Please download and use the template for the abstract. You can find it both on this page and on the registration form. Please note that we will not accept any other format than the one provided on the form.

Participation in the oral communication modality will be in the form of a presentation in the desired format, in Spanish or English. The maximum time available per presentation will be 12 minutes and it will be supervised by a chair.

In case you wish to submit an abstract for oral communication you should take into account if you will be presenting in a country with a different timetable from Spain. If this is your case, please, write it down in the form with this information. If you have any queries, please contact us via our e-mail address.

Use this template to prepare your abstract in English, and send your contribution by filling in the following form. The abstract document must be uploaded in word format, and the file name must be: “Surname.Name”, e.g.: “Martinez.Antonio”. The template contains the following sections:

  • Title
  • Author/s
  • Affiliation
  • Abstract 250-350 words
  • 6 keywords

The abstract must meet the following criteria in order to be evaluated and accepted by the organizing committee:

  • Theoretical work: a) topic of study; b) argumentation followed; and, c) main conclusions.
  • Empirical work: a) research topic; b) starting hypothesis; c) description of the data; d) methodology used to obtain and analyze the data; and, e) main results or conclusions.

* The deadline for submitting the abstract of the oral communication: November 24, 2024.